Category/Prepared lasagne

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Prepared lasagne are dished based on layerd sheets of pasta with filling in between (wikipedia). The filling can be anything, i.e. meat, vegatables, poultry, sea food, etc. Usually the bottom layer consists of a Bechamel sauce and there is cheese on top. Prepared lasagne (1320 products on 15 april 2023)

A classic lasagna is the Bolognaise lasagna, where ground beef is used as filling.

Prepared lasagna can be found in the frozen aisles of the supermarket. Or freshly made lasagna is found in the ready made part of speciality shops or supermarkets.

These products are ready meals that only need to be heated before consumption.

Usually the the pasta sheets are made of Durum wheat, but now also sheets from ingredients are used to make gluten-free pasta.


The prepared lasagna is part of the the super category pasta dishes, where all dish with pasta as a basis are found. This in turn is part of the Meals super category for anything that can be eaten after heating.


The prepared lasagne can be subdivided into other categories based on the filling type, the storage requirements.


The prepared lasagnas have the following ingredients.

Required ingredients

  • Pasta sheets, either from Wheat

Optional ingredients (more than 1%)

Disallowed ingredients

None that we know of.

Production process/labels

Nutritional information

10% 90% #products
Energy (kJ/100ml) 162 201 97%
Fat (%) 0 0.5 96%
Saturated fat (%) 0 0.1 95%
Carbohydrates (%) 8.6 11 96%
Sugars (%) 8.2 10 96%
Fiber (%) 0.7 2.3 46%
Proteins (%) 4.1 8.4 94%
Salt (%) 0.52 1.1 93%


Nutriscore B-C with nutritional values between -1 and 6.

Related categories

  • Lasagna sheets, often the sheets are also called lasagna. To distinguish between Lasagnas and Lasagna sheets one can look at the number of ingredients. Lasagnas have more than 10 ingredients


The last clean up of the category has been done on 7 april 2023. For finding products that do not belong to this category, this search can be done.
